Upcoming Event: Cyber Summit 2024

Find The Perfect Person for the Perfect Job

By Microserve
Find The Perfect Person for the Perfect Job
The people who work for you now are the best people to help you find the best talent

One of the most important questions HR can ask employees is this:

Would you recommend to a friend to work here?

You can get fancy with using Net Promoter Scores to put metrics around the answer, but when it comes right down to it, if people would tell their friends about a job opening at your company, you’re doing something right.

It’s not always easy, but it’s worth finding the right job

Doing the right thing isn’t always easy to do. More often than not it costs a little more…

    • A little more to send out gifts for birthdays, weddings, new babies, and the holidays
    • A little more to have nice staff events that people look forward to every year.
    • A little more to cut people slack when a life crisis bleeds into work.
    • A little more to promote from within and applaud those successes.

But, it’s a lot less than…

    • Always being short-staffed and people stressed out.
    • Training and retraining people.
    • Losing ground on key initiatives because losing people means losing momentum.
    • Having the inner workings of your company walk out the door to competitors.
    • Forgetting how things were done because all the people who did it are gone.

No job is perfect, no matter what they say

Oh and don’t think for a minute I’m going to tell you Microserve is perfect. We’re a company made up of people will all the regular compliment of quirks, warts, and issues. That’s life. But we try. From the top down we think it’s important for people to not dread coming to work. A fun workplace makes the day go by faster. Having nice banter around the coffee maker is a great break from dealing with the chores of the day.

But we’re not perfect.

People get angry. People quit. People have conflicts.

We still keep working on it.

We’re looking for great people all the time for jobs

In fact we’re looking for a marketing co-op intern right now…and we’d love to have you on board.

Because, yeah, I would tell a friend they should work here.

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