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Calling All IT Guys!

By Microserve
Calling all IT guys
Adding Managed Services Doesn’t Mean You Lose Your Job

Listen we understand, for a while there outsourcing was a dirty word.

Aside from the fact that the quality of service could be iffy at best, outsourcing usually meant that existing tech staff
was suddenly out on its ear. Outsourcing was all about cutting costs and trying
to get by on the bare minimum—never an employee-friendly views. As time went
on and companies realized that going cheap was hurting them more than helping,
outsourcing became less popular. But even a few years spent living under the
threat of that kind of unceremonious farewell would be enough to make anyone nervous when people started using that word again.

Today outsourcing doesn’t mean replacing

A business providing managed services
today can function as a company’s
entire tech department –  this doesn’t have to be the case. Often the remote tech team takes on a supporting role within and existing tech
department, allowing internal team to focus their attention on the really
important issues, rather than the daily grind. Internal tech team is essential to supporting and maintaining
a company’s mission-critical, custom applications. An external vendor could take that on, but it’s not a good
use of anyone’s time.

Today’s views towards tech is different. It’s
not just a matter of keeping computers and servers up and running—because
technology is so essential to business, today tech is all about strategy, vision,
shaping the future of a business by putting the right technology infrastructure in
place now with an eye to the future.

But when do you find the time to plan a
strategic technology roadmap, much less a full assessment of where you are

You’re expected to lead your company into
the future with your expert insight…but not right now, because you’re needed to
set up the new printer…and also, to reset some passwords…and there’s also a
virus you need to remove from someone’s laptop…and oh, by the way, when was the
last time you updated your training?

How Managed Services Helps Internal IT

Bringing in a Managed Services provider
means you’re now free to focus on the big picture. While we handle the routine
tasks that consumed all your time before, you can spend your time looking for
new ways that tech can make your company more efficient, or more productive, or
save your company money. You can develop a strategy to prepare for whatever the
future holds – or a strategy to go out and create your own future. Here’s how
we can support you:

1. Proactive Systems Management

There are a million things that need to be
done behind the scenes for your company to be able to function at all. Network
security, software updates, email, backup… the list is endless. And when it’s
just you or your team trying to do it all, you can’t help but become reactive
rather than proactive, focusing on putting out fires rather than preventing
them in the first place.

With Managed Services from Microserve, you have a team dedicated to putting
systems in place to prevent as many problems as possible, and solving any that
do arise, quickly. Let us deal with systems management, so your day isn’t
frittered away running from emergency to emergency anymore.

2. Help desk Support

Every single tech issue at your company, no
matter how tiny, is your responsibility. Even if it was caused by employee
ignorance or device malfunction or any number of other reasons beyond your
control. There’s no way to prevent, or even reduce, the barrage of issues that come
your way, and that has to be dealt quickly so that productivity doesn’t

Having Microserve on your side, those pesky
issues become somebody else’s problem—ours. We’ll spend the time dealing
fixes and questions so you don’t have to, and get them taken care of quickly,
so your company’s employees can get back to work ASAP.

3. Broad Expertise

Each tech expert, no matter how well-rounded,
has a specialty. Maybe you’re really a security guy—or maybe you’re an email
gal. Regardless of where your particular area of expertise lies, everyone can
use a boost in areas they’re not as well-versed in—especially when
putting together and overarching tech strategy.

That’s where we come in. Over 250 tech
specialists on staff, we’re ready, willing, and able to help you strategize and
plan in every single area of tech. We work to get to know your company’s needs, and then help you come up applying the
right approach to take for each facet of your department. We can be your
partners every step of the way.

So even if the word outsourcing still makes you twitch, you can rest assured that
Microserve’s Managed Services won’t mean the end for you or your team. On the
contrary, we’re here to support you in any way we can, to make your life
easier, and to make you look even better than you already do to the powers that
be in your organization. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you!

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