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Bridging the Gap in Talent by Hiring IT Support for Audio Visual Solutions

By Microserve
Bridging the Gap in Talent by Hiring IT Support for Audio Visual Solutions

Hiring IT Support for Audio Visual Solutions

The past 12 months have been hard for businesses and individuals all over the world due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Businesses scaled back, organizations permanently closed their doors, schools temporarily shut down, and a lot of people lost their jobs. There is a collective grief felt amongst business owners that have had to lay off their support staff due to the pandemic. 

Ultimately, the world is progressing forward, and businesses are following suit. As we entered into 2021, businesses started to open their doors with limited staff, resources, and budget. What do business owners do about their staff? What options are there for businesses that rely on human resources to thrive?  

Typically, organizations have only one or two members of their team that specialize in audio visual support. You may find your internal hiring IT support is lacking expertise in the audio visual (AV) department after downsizing the team. This includes any tech, knowledge, or support for meeting rooms and presentations. 

Let’s run through an example. 

Beth has finally returned to the office. She is amongst the first few employees to return and practice social distancing within the office. In the morning, Beth spends her time at her desk preparing for her big afternoon meeting with the CEO and company investors. She knows a few other people that are physically in the office will be attending the meeting, so she books Meeting Room A and sends an invitation to the in-office participants. 30 minutes before her meeting, she goes into the room to set up and prepare. 

Right away she notices that the HDMI chord is missing, so she grabs the one from Meeting Room B. She connects her laptop to the display her screen on the main wall of the room. Next, she opens her Microsoft Teams room and uses the centre console to call into the meeting. The phone won’t connect to the meeting and Beth doesn’t know what to do. With 20 minutes left till the start of her meeting, she calls IT, but no one is in the office. She stays on the phone with Help Desk to troubleshoot the issue while people start trickling into the room for the meeting.  

With 5 minutes left to spare, Beth is embarrassed because an investor has entered her meeting room and can see she is struggling with her presentation. Finally, hiring IT support helps her figure out the issue and the meeting can begin. 

This fictional story highlights the real concern of businesses today. When employees return to the office, what does that look like and how can we support them with limited resources? There are many ways this example business could have enabled Beth in this situation for a seamless meeting.  

Benefit of Hiring IT Audio Visual Support

Many businesses are turning to hiring IT Support to bridge the talent gap that followed essential layoffs. If the company in the example outsourced their AV support, Beth may not have had these issues in the first place. Companies can connect with outsourced Audio Visual (AV) specialists to streamline the meeting room for maximum efficiency and minimal technical challenges. These specialists can work with you to discuss specific meeting room technology for your business goals. 

Contact the Audio Visual (AV) specialists at Microserve to transition to seamless meetings today. With over 30 years of experience, we are a proven partner for hiring IT and Audio Visual solutions. 

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